Heavy duty projects, like Rask's fabric collage jacket, require sewing proficiency but utilize dozens of colorful buttons and scrap fabric to create a fanciful, personalized garment. Others, like her camera-shaped camera case or a multi-button ring, offer a clever way to practice burgeoning craft skills. Many projects make good use of other lightly used objects you may already own, a shrunken sweater, glass condiment jars, an ex-boyfriend's tie. Photo-heavy guides let you glide seamlessly from the materials list to project completion with a pictorial reference at every step. With this level of inspiration at hand, I may not have a button jar much longer.
Button and Stitch: Supercute Ways to Use Your Button Stash
Kristen Rask
North Light Books, an imprint of F+W Media, Inc.
Coming in January 2010
View book at Barnes and Noble
Review based on a free copy of this book, courtesy of the publisher.
Thanks so much for writing about my book! I hope you can put good use to your button stash! Viva La Buttons! xo, kristen